Rihanna had an encounter with the “most racist” person she’s ever met over the weekend.
The Barbados-born singer is at the end of her Loud world tour at the moment and will be wrapping it up in London this week.
On Saturday she performed in Lisbon, which is where she’s understood to have become embroiled in the argument with the man.
Rihanna took to Twitter last night to explain what happened.

“I just met the most racist **** EVER!!! This man said the craziest shi* abt black women called us dogs, sl*ts, we don't look like sh*t, we don't belong in the same hotels....needless to say, the #n***a in me came out! Bajan accent and all!Lol!Turns out the hotel manager's black (sic),” she explained.
Although she was furious about the situation, Rihanna tried not to let it get her down too much. Instead she decided to poke fun at the mystery man on the social networking website.
“Oh and he had the NERVE to diss black people in his Tighty whitey's!!!! SMH...and tbh a lil black wouldn't hurt him (sic),” she wrote.
Things soon improved for the star as she partied with her crew to celebrate the end of the Loud series of shows until the early hours of this evening.
The 23-year-old star picked a theme which was close to her heart for the bash.
“We just had our end of year/tour Christmas party!!!! We turned it into an 80's prom, since I've never had one! It was sooo much FUN!!!!” she wrote.
“I'm decked out in lace, sequins, a giant bow, and hair spray (sic)!!!!!”
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