David Cassidy has decided to end his career at the end of 2017.

Cassidy, who has been in the business for 48 years, has had a number of problems over the last couple of years that could be contributing to his decision; however, he has said that it is because of his arthritis. He wrote on his website on Wednesday (February 1)

The February 18th & 19th shows will be the last 2 shows that I ever do on the West Coast of the USA. Traveling and my arthritis has certainly made these cross country shows much more difficult for me now. As most of you know, I live very happily in South Florida as it makes my life much more manageable.

What a remarkable, long-lived career I have been blessed to have. I love my band, whom are all very gifted, as friends. Most have now been with me for years, performing around the world and of course mostly here in the USA and Canada. Of course, I’m planning on working less and less due to travel. However, I’ve never loved playing live in concert as much as I have in the past few years. This for me has been almost like a drug! My audience reactions and phenomenal support have made it so sweet and gratifying. I could never repay the love and the reward I get from all my fans from around the world.

This is not a complete “Good bye” but I’m planning on working much less. But… Damn DO I LOVE IT!! And to all of you everywhere in the world. Happy Trails. XO. DC.

David appeared to make his retirement much more definitive on Friday (February 3), writing:


I’ve spent months contemplating this decision to retire at the end of this year. But I will still do a number of concerts this Year in 2017! I believe I owe that to my fans and also to my second family, the members of my band. They’ve been there for many years with me. They’re all fantastic musicians and wonderful friends to me.

This has been a very difficult decision for me that nobody can possibly understand. 49 YEARS of doing concerts!!!

Too all who’ve loved my work and that have been there for me, I want to be able to show my gratitude and awareness of your care and support. So…. I will continue to speak with my friend Jane who has helped me for years now with my website and my Facebook page. I’m not going to just disappear! I’m just no longer going to fly and play and travel and fly and play again etc.

God Bless you all and I hope you’ll come and see me in concert in my final year! I love what you’ve all given me with your magnificent support for decades.

Happy Trails to you. XO


Since 2010, Cassidy has been arrested for DWI three times since 2010 and, in 2015, for leaving the scene of an accident and driving with a suspended license among other charges. He also had a disastrous interview with a British morning show in September of 2015.

David currently has three dates left in February, two in March and a lone June show in Mentor, OH on his calendar. It appears more may be coming before the end of 2017.