George Michael's ex-boyfriend Fadi Fawaz is selling off the singer's possessions as he attempts to make money while embroiled in a feud with the late star's family.
Photographer Fawaz, 44, found the singer dead in his bed at their home in Oxfordshire, England in December 2016. He is now living in another of George's properties in Regent's Park, London, but the Careless Whisper star's family are said to be unhappy with him still residing there and want him to leave. They are also said to be protesting Fawaz receiving anything as part of Michael's will.
Amidst the alleged feud, Fawaz took to Twitter on Monday night (16Apr18) to admit his financial shortcomings have forced him to make the difficult decision to offload some of Michael's possessions.
"George Michael Items for sale if you interested please let me know," Fawaz began his Twitter rant. "It’s a way so I can survive till we solve the problems with his family and lawyer. Since I’m left with no help and since no one is human anymore.
"Am willing to sell any story as well. I am done with being respectful towards George Michael or the rest."
Fawaz also offered himself up for interviews for cash.
"If you wanna interview me you know where to find me," he continued. "I will fight for my right from George Michael till the last day of my life. And no I won’t get a job."
Fawaz's rant comes after he recently hit headlines when he posted an enforcement notice stating he owes $720 (£513) on Twitter.
He captioned the image, "Darling they have come to take your furniture coz I couldn't effort the fine. But don't worry I didn't open the door for them. (sic)."
The letter, dated 29 March, which demanded that Fawaz pay up immediately or he will lose his personal items, appeared to relate to a traffic offence.
George passed away from natural causes on Christmas Day, 2016 at the age of just 53.