The 'Believe' singer has reportedly made a series of demands in documents ahead of the UK leg of her 'Here We Go Again' tour, which includes a whole room for her costumes and accessories as well as water, which must be specifically served at 23.5 degrees centigrade.

A source told The Sun newspaper's Bizarre column: "What Cher wants, she gets. The venues and caterers have been asked to provide white and milk chocolate fountains, a slush machine and mountains of sugar-free Red Bull and cans of Coca-Cola.

"Cher has also asked for bottles of chilled Moet & Chandon champagne, several bars of chocolate and, very specifically, Walkers Thai sweet chilli crisps. She has also ordered fruit platters and water, which must be 23.5C. Air con can be harsh on her voice so Cher wants it kept to a minimum. She also likes the backstage area to be relaxing and calming before she goes on stage. She has to get into the zone."

Cher previously confessed she finds her farewell tours "so embarrassing".

The 'If I Could Turn Back Time' hitmaker said: "It's so embarrassing because I keep having these farewell tours because I honest to God think I am never coming back.

"Like, I'm 100 years old, whos going to come and see me? My mum's 93 and my mum keeps going, 'Cher, age is just a number. If you don't bother it, it won't bother you.' And I keep going, 'Mum, you're crazy.'"

And Cher can't "accept" the fact she is getting older.

She shared: "I just don't know how to accept [getting older]. I don't want to either, but I don't really know how to. I look in the mirror, and I see this old lady looking back at me. I have no idea how she got there. If I put 70 candles on my cake, I would blow my brains out, you know?"