Dirty Pretty Things came on with such enthusiasm to the delight of the crowd. Starting off with ‘Chinese Dogs’, ‘Gentry Cove’ and ‘Wondering’, all played with such energy, in the same venue that reunited Carl and Pete (Doherty) earlier in the year for a charity gig.

They then tried out one of the new tracks ‘Best face in the place’, followed by ‘Doctors and Dealers’ and ‘Deadwood’ (which went down a storm).

In the middle of the set Dirty Pretty Things were joined on stage by Adam Green who preformed a couple of tracks with the help of Carl and the band, sounded great. Mr Green has a definite presence on stage and certainly knows how to enjoy himself.

With songs like ‘Blood Thirsty Bastards’ / ‘Gin and Milk’ / ‘Bang Bang Your Dead’ and ‘I Get Along’, you wouldn’t expect anything other then a quality night and that’s exactly what you got. The place was electric!

After the gig, Carl and Didz entertained us in the street (at least 50 or so people including myself) which was amazing, a real acoustic street gig, they were asking everyone what they wanted to hear if was really spontaneous and shows the relationship between them and the fans (I think they only came out for a cigarette) hehe!

