As I enter the Astoria 2, I instantly notice something strange. In this one confined space a congregation gathers from all ends of the youth culture spectrum (not to mention age spectrum). The infamous hoodies, and their romance with gritty urban realism, are here, rubbing noses with the Vans-toting scene kid clique in an unprecedented show of cultural unity.

Such an amalgamation is a testament to GCH’s own musical melting pot. Travis and co. represent the more erudite faction of the hip-hop/rap community. Such sophistication allows a flexibility which explains their fascination with the indie pop-rock genre.

In a nutshell, GCH are remarkable this evening. ‘Clothes Off’ shifts the gear early on and the band sustain their set list with a plethora of fan favourites accompanied by a sprinkling of entertaining on-stage banter. Surprises like the appearance of London’s own Estelle on supporting vocals and an impromptu foray into a screamo jam keep the performance fresh and intriguing as ever.

Just watching the flag-waving band member and ardent crowd, one could have easily confused the evening concert with a revolutionary call to arms. Travis’ intellectual, yet sometimes cynical, lyrics may pass the casual fan by but one would have to have set eyes on the gorgon Medusa to not bob their head to the beat.

Latest single, the more R&B flavoured ‘Cookie Jar’, is a definite highlight as the performance nears its end, but whatever direction GCH decide to take, judging from tonight’s show, it will most likely be a path of success.