Sam Duckworth's travelling band seem to change every time we catch them - certainly new faces abounded since Glasto a few years ago, and with upcoming album "Maps" taking centre stage here, the new lineup certainly fitted the direction young Sam seems to be heading in. First signs of what was to come showed with opener "Real McCoy", taking a hard punky edge to the usual indie leanings and offering a good strong opening that got the crowd engaged from the get-go.

It didn't take too long before matters settled down, however, and GCWGF headed into the more traditional ballad territory. A break in the middle allowed Sam a spot on his own, which he bravely asked for requests from the crowd. An aborted, yet well spirited attempt at "Stitch by Stitch" fell apart at the chorus, with Sam admitting he didn't remember much from the third album, yet classic "Find the Time" quickly picked up the pieces and had the audience singing along.

Another brief pause allowed Sam to have his soapbox as an introduction to new track "Daylight Robbery" - blaming the establishment and bankers for current social issues certainly went down well with the predominantly student crowd, although the message did appear a little too rabble-rousing to be taken too seriously. Full marks for wind up tactics, though.

GCWGF certainly felt ready to roar from the off tonight, and the good blend of attitude and lyrical crafting showed the bands talents well, although at times the slower sections did drag a little too long, and gave rise to the dreaded audience chatter. However, when showing off his strong personality, and using the band to its full potential, Mr Duckworth is on his finest form, and tonight's somewhat eclectic crowd and venue seemed to be fully engaged for the final third, leading to a barnstorming finale.

And nowhere was this better seen than in show highlight "Whitewash is Brainwash" - again, give the boy a political point to make, and he soars, and the grimy venue only added atmosphere. I still think GCWCF are a little too niche for many peoples tastes, but at least the tracks from "Maps" show that Sam isn't scared to have a crack at changing his style. However, tonight's set certainly scored far more hits than misses, and the charm of a band clearly enjoying themselves wasn't lost on the audience at all.

