Once more next to Barak Obama, Andrea Bocelli, artist and witness of peace, has been guest of honour at the 61st “National Prayer Breakfast”, an event of global importance which was held on February 7th at the International Ballroom at the Hilton Hotel in Washington.

It falls on the first Thursday of the month of February, since 1953. This “Prayer Breakfast” which traditionally welcomes the U.S president, the vice president, and the chief representatives of the executive, legislative and judicial branches of the U.S., is a crucial but prestigious, as well as precious opportunity to discuss the current worldwide issues improving international cooperation on projects of solidarity, development and human promotion.

At the 61st Edition in front of four thousand people invited and more than one hundred and sixty delegations from all over the world, Andrea opened and closed the event by singing the first aria “Ombra mai fu” from “Serse” by Händel and then the most famous “Ave Maria” by Schubert .Among the enthusiastic Audience the President himself and his wife Michelle were the first to stand as soon as the music ended, giving rise to a general standing ovation. Of the three standing ovations which took place, during the event, two were dedicated to Andrea Bocelli.

But his physical presence at the spiritual and political event has been supported also in the role of public person strongly involved in the field of solidarity, a man of peace and faith that through his own artistic and social commitment (also expressed through the Andrea Bocelli Foundation) promotes everywhere in the world the values of Christian brotherhood.

In fact Bocelli took the floor after the last piece of music: “I am living this occasion as a dream as often in my country many problems rise from the fact that our politicians, both from the right and the left do not confront each other, do not speak to one another”, underlined the great Italian Tenor…”In this Country where I have received strong demonstrations of affection I have also received, today a further and important lesson: I want to return to Italy and convey this, which is for me an extremely important teaching : the desire to pray together!”

The event sponsored by the U. S. Senate and the ““House of Representatives Prayer Groups” Of the Chamber of Deputies, as well as by the Most Senior Us Politicians has relied on the presence of some of the main spiritual leaders of the world as well as many of the most illustrious American, European and Asian businessmen.

“The National Prayer Breakfast” is set as a special opportunity to make the most powerful people in the world reflect on the possibility to put aside all sorts of social, cultural, and political differences, in the spirit of Christian brotherhood and common faith in God’s Providence.