Florence Welch has such a bad sense of direction she had to ask children to help her get home while out cycling.

The British rocker enjoys travelling around London on her push bike because it allows her to see the city and also get some exercise.

Unfortunately, she is no good at map reading and often finds herself in unknown territory after taking a wrong turn.

“I do have a tendency to get lost. The other week I got lost and had to ask these kids for help,” she laughed to British newspaper The Sun.

“They were like, 'Oh my God, oh my God, it's Florence!' and I was like, 'Yes it is, now can you help me?'

"But they got so flustered they didn't know where they were going either. As soon as they'd calmed down they cycled me back."

Florence has been a fan of bike riding ever since she was a little girl. Nowadays it provides some welcome relief from days spent crammed into a tour bus or on a plane.

She also finds it helps her delve into her imagination and come up with ideas for songs.

“As a kid I thought it was the coolest thing where you do that thing and flip your leg over the bike while you're still riding,” she laughed.

Florence has a custom made bicycle which is black and covered in burgundy blooms. She loves the pattern on it – especially after overhearing someone poking fun at it recently.

“Some drunk guy pointed and shouted, 'It's like a funeral for tiny animals!' It was perfect,” she sighed.