Jared Leto says the “smallest moments” in his music career are the “most precious”.

The star is the singer-songwriter for 30 Seconds to Mars – also comprising of drummer Shannon Leto and guitarist Tomo Milicevic.

The band have set a world record for the Longest Concert Tour by a Rock Band - playing a total of 309 concert shows in just over two years since the release of their third studio album This Is War in 2009.

Jared is thrilled with the response to the group’s music.

“We just went gold this past week in the States too. It’s a fun way to end with these monumental things. Sometimes, it’s the smallest moments that end up being the most precious and the ones you remember, but it’s nice to have some monumental things at the end of such a long and incredible experience,” he told Kerrang! magazine.

“We’re ending the tour on a high note.”

Jared is reflective of the band’s career up till now. The 39-year-old musician is looking forward to the future, even though he hasn’t planned any of it.

“We don’t know what the future has to hold, but we know we’re excited about it and this tour has been the gift of a lifetime. It’s been a journey that we’ll always look back on, as one of the most informative and fulfilling experiences of our lives,” he gushed.

“Over two years we’ve been pursuing this quest, travelling every continent besides one, playing over 300 shows, winning and losing and fighting and being at peace. [We fought] a $30million lawsuit with our record company, financing an album ourselves called This Is War and here we are on the other side.”

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