Sinéad O'Connor suits the music industry because she’s “over sensitive”.

The songstress recently hit the headlines after marrying her fourth husband Barry Herridge following a whirlwind romance. She then announced they were divorcing after just 16 days, but eventually revealed they are back together. Sinéad also tried to commit suicide shortly before begging for psychiatric help on Twitter.

The 45-year-old star is currently promoting her new album entitled How About I Be Me, and says her recent bout of personal troubles are documented in the tracks.

“[The album] addresses all different kind of emotions. I think singers tend to be over sensitive about our emotions. That’s what we do,” she smiled in an interview with BBC Breakfast.

“The music industry says and does stuff for you that you can’t do in real life.”

Sinéad enjoys the writing process. The singer used penning lyrics as a cathartic process in the past, but insists she doesn’t anymore.

“It’s a funny thing – it doesn’t faze me. It comes like second nature to me,” she said.

“I’d write in the midst of things when I was younger. Now I write in retrospect. It’s a calmer way of working.”

Sinéad refused to discuss her personal life during the interview. The star wants people to respect her music – especially while she’s promoting her new album.

“One gets tempted to bare too much of their soul at times. But after years in this industry – because I’m stupid – I’ve learnt that when I’m promoting a record I shouldn’t talk about it,” she said before jokingly adding: “My friend said, ‘You’re not boring!’”

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