18 June 2009 (released)
01 July 2009
AF – Jersey Budd, an unusual name where does this originate from?
JB – Well my real name is Joe, but my dad always called me ’Jersey Joe’ after Jersey Joe Walcott, he was a famous boxer in the 50’s. It was then that I decided to change my name to Jersey Budd, that’s it really.
AF - New album out today 'Wonderlands’. How long was this in the making?
JB- Well, we started recording in February 2008 in our garage that was converted into a studio. We did a signing today at Rockaboom I wasn’t expecting anyone to turn up I had such a surprise when there were about 60 people came to the signing!
AF - What or who has inspired your music?
JB – All the legends really, Stones, Beatles to American Blues.
AF – How would you describe your music to someone who has never heard of it?
JB – raw, soulful, rhythm and blues sounding.
AF- The music business is considered glamorous, what is your take on this?
JB – It’s not glamorous and it’s not really paying at the moment, I'm still skint and getting by on freebies at the moment but, I just love performing.
AF – To date, which is your favourite venue that you’ve played in so far?
JB – Definitely the Royal Albert Hall, whilst I was playing I kept looking up at the architecture and thinking how amazing it was to be playing there. I felt fantastic.
AF – What would be your advice to someone starting out and what has been you biggest challenge?
JB – You have to really believe in yourself in what you do. The most challenging experience throughout this was picking and choosing the best deal when being approached with various companies that were offering contracts.
AF – You’re playing Glastonbury this year, are you looking forward to that?
JB – Yes I am, we were supposed to play a couple of years ago it was a complete nightmare everything was going wrong, the busses messed up and amongst other things, we never made it! This year we are playing the Queens Head Stage which I'm really looking forward to and hopefully we can make up for last time.
AF - What about the future?
JB – Hopefully record more albums, I really love what I do and what to keep going and, gigging.
AF - So what can we expect from tonight’s’ gig then?
JB - We have a 3 piece brass section, a violinist who I heard doing Irish songs in a pub and asked if she would accompany me on some gigs. We have Julie Gordon who sang with the Happy Mondays and is singing with me on a few songs, I'm really looking forward to tonight’s gig.
AF – and finally, if you were a colour, what colour would you be?
JB – Id be blue, I like Blue and of course I support Leicester City Football Club. I’d also be red and green for the Leicester Tigers as I like rugby too.