Name: Maria Cassar

Born on: 14th November 1994

Home town: Siggiewi

Website / Facebook / Twitter You Tube page links:

Song Title : Rivali - Dominic Cini / Rita Pace

Favourite food: Italian dishes

Sports activity: I’m not a big fan of sports!

Favourite local TV show: Ic-Caqqufa

and favourite Foreign TV show: Friends

How important is music to you/why: Music is essential in my life since it provides me with comfort when I’m feeling anxious or upset and it is also one of the ways through which I express myself.

Can you share with us something curious/funny which happened to you when performing: When I was still very young at the very beginning of my career, I once forgot the lyrics during a singing competition. I also have a photograph in that moment of panic, which means I will never forget it!

From the current Konkors Kanzunetta Indipendenza 2015 finalists, who would you choose to duet with/why: I would choose to duet with Rita Pace who is my singing teacher and also a very good friend of mine.

A typical weekday for you from morning to night: In Summer, when I’m not occupied with work, I usually wake up quite late. During the day, I enjoy going to the beach. In the late afternoon, I also like going for a walk or a jog around my hometown. At night, I either stay indoors with my family or meet up with a couple of friends for a BBQ or a drink.

How do you like to spend your weekends: I usually work in the morning or the afternoon, and I also attend classes with Teatru Manoel Youth Theatre. At night, I like eating out at some restaurant or chilling in a winebar with my loved ones.

Your musical influences: Ed Sheeran, Maroon 5, Enrique Iglesias... too many to mention! 

Your inspiration in life: My parents, who have always put my sister and I above everything and who have always managed to balance their work life with their life at home.

A message to the our readers? Thank you for showing interest and please keep supporting upcoming local talent!

Interviewed by Mr. Joseph Portelli (Music News Malta Editor)

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