Set in Camden, scarred by the terrible aftermath of Halloween, this year’s Nightmare Festival had an impressive line-up of artists playing in no less than thirteen different venues. The theme was the Mexican day of the dead which is a day split between remembrance and celebration. The Festival chose to celebrate rock and roll!

Slaloming between the results of excessive drinking the night before, it was hard to make your way through Camden on Saturday. Full of the usual crowd of tourists, the streets gathered rock-and-roll fans from all ages and all origins eager to celebrate their favourite music. The concerts started at noon and ended late in the night, with the banging Blood Red Shoes and Magnus Major.

Some venues were definitely well chosen for the day: the Electric Ballroom, the Barfly and the Underworld are all adapted scenes for up and coming artists. Dead! played at the Barfly, in a room filled with all sorts of music-lovers, eager to witness the energetic band perform many songs including their latest single Phantom.

A bit later, InMe performed at the Electric Ballroom in front of an audience made of fans. The set was amazing and Dave and his band set the room on fire, to the great delight of everyone present.

Promoting their latest album, The Tide is Turning, Colt 45 were at “Our Black Heart” for half an hour. The crowd was composed of fans and newcomers, dancing energetically to the music. It was quite an outstanding gig!

The highlight of the festival this year was probably King Charles: his music is of a new genre, mixing ska, rock and reggae. He received a very warm support from the audience and gave an hour-long set that will linger in minds for some time.

A couple hours after the last concert, the bars were still full of music lovers and artists mixing with their fans. King Charles was even seen enjoying a pint at the Camden eye!
The 2014 edition of the Nightmare festival ended just like a dream.