Them Guns
Navarone Garibaldi Interview
04 April 2013 (released)
04 April 2013
Music News caught up with Navarone, the charismatic front man of LA rock outfit Them Guns on the eve of their debut London show at the Kings Head Club in Hoxton.
Music News: Are you looking forward to the gig tomorrow?
Navarone Garibaldi: Definitely yeah, we've been excited about this gig for a couple of months now
Music News: Can we expect any surprises in the set?
Navarone Garibaldi: We're planning to play a couple of songs which aren't ours along with all the tracks from the album we're currently working on. We've also got 3 new tracks to play as well. There will also be some fancy dress - but that's nothing out of the ordinary for us.
Music News: Who are your musical influences?
Navarone Garibaldi: Oh man all sorts. Nine Inch Nails, Nirvana, Kings of Leon to the likes of the Chemical Brothers.
Music News: Who is the most rock and roll in the band?
Navarone Garibaldi: I'd probably have to say myself and Kyle have quite an 'anything goes' kind of attitude. On stage though you definitely can't ignore Chuck's energy.
Music News: If your house was burning down and you could save only one record from the flames, what record would it be?
Navarone Garibaldi: Ah that's tough! I'd probably have to go with Daft Punk's 'Human After All'. Their attitude to dance music and their style is something as a band we're looking to do with rock. We're trying to create rock with a danceable element to it.
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Music News: Are you looking forward to the gig tomorrow?
Music News: Can we expect any surprises in the set?
Navarone Garibaldi: We're planning to play a couple of songs which aren't ours along with all the tracks from the album we're currently working on. We've also got 3 new tracks to play as well. There will also be some fancy dress - but that's nothing out of the ordinary for us.
Music News: Who are your musical influences?
Navarone Garibaldi: Oh man all sorts. Nine Inch Nails, Nirvana, Kings of Leon to the likes of the Chemical Brothers.
Music News: Who is the most rock and roll in the band?
Navarone Garibaldi: I'd probably have to say myself and Kyle have quite an 'anything goes' kind of attitude. On stage though you definitely can't ignore Chuck's energy.
Music News: If your house was burning down and you could save only one record from the flames, what record would it be?
Navarone Garibaldi: Ah that's tough! I'd probably have to go with Daft Punk's 'Human After All'. Their attitude to dance music and their style is something as a band we're looking to do with rock. We're trying to create rock with a danceable element to it.
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