Rising R&B artist Dee Famous releases his debut single ‘To The Rain’. The heartfelt track comes from the place of a broken relationship and acts as a way for Dee to reach out to as many people as possible and relay his relatable story to the masses.

Making music from the age of 17, this first official single is a compelling release, set to prick people’s interest in Dee Famous’ future material. With a full EP lined up for later this year we caught up with Dee to find out more...

Hi Dee, how have you been?
Well and good and up to many things.

Can you tell us more about your latest single "To The Rain"?
To the rain is my intro in the music industry, it a rare sound inspired by different genres of music, rock, and r&b, it’s expression of a broken heart, decide to tell my story through music and it was fun putting in the work and for me it worth it.

“To The Rain” has a very distinctive sound and seems to blend different genres. Can you tell us a bit about your influence on this?
Growing up listening to rock music and r&b, I can’t resist not trying out both fusions, have always wanted to see what it feels like because it rare and I’m happy I did. I love the song because it unique.

The single has a personal connection to you, can you speak of the story it’s inspired by?
The song came from personal experience of heartbroken and, hoping for a second chance and was ready to make it work since two wrongs don’t make a right, so I swallow my pride and to the rain gave me opportunity to share this feeling. The rain doesn’t mould or build things together it washes them away. It was me wanting my girl back at the time and taking responsibility for my action.

You speak of wanting to influence people in different walks of life with your music, can you tell us more about that?
I hope to inspire people with my music from different areas of life and background. Music is the heart of living, our heart make sound every seconds, it trigger your energy to over flow depending on what you doing at the moment so I want to make music that fit into different space of life for people who want to dance to people who’s in love and people going through bad time to uplift their spirit to people the music makes feel good at the time.

Can you tell us a bit about the process of creating the music video?
I work on movie set and that’s where I met the director and play my song and he love it, we started planning it took about 3 months because of covid-19 restriction, location, and availability of crew.
The concept was inspired by films like La La Land and (500) Days of Summer, we tell a love-story from the end to the beginning from the side of a broken heart.
It was fun and all go smoothly nice weather in autumn at three different locations. We often associate memories and moments in our lives to specific places. The location was Battersea Park and Clapham area.

Having such a diverse sound who would you say are your main influences?
The main influence is myself because I choose the sound for a unique reason, if people pay attention there’s a sound like Michael Jackson, Akon, Phill Collins and Nickelback. The song came from personal experience of heartbroken and, hoping for a second chance and was ready to make it work.

Can we expect more music from you in 2022 and are you planning an album or EP release?
Yes, I’m working on EP to drop 3rd quarter of the year and next year will be an album.

Any plans for live performances this year?
Yes, there’s going to be a live performance after the next single drop out so people need to keep a date with Dee Famous.

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